Food Premises Grading Programme

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For information, Food Premises Grading Programme is being implemented. Evaluation and grading of food premises will be carried out by the MPSP Food Premises Valuation Panel from 21/11/09 – 14/12/09. This program intends to provide stickers for premises that achieve grades “A” “B” status to be displayed to public. The following are the objectives of Food Premises Grading:- A. Facilitate users to make choices of food premises in public areas. B. Increase the level of cleanliness, food presentation, safety and quality of food prepared at food premises in Seberang Perai. C. Instill values and practice of self-cleanliness among traders and handlers of food. D. Enable food premises to consistently maintain high cleanliness standards.

1.Evaluation conducted by the MPSP Health Services Department to determine the level of cleanliness of food premises.
Grade – Marks
A     -  80% to 100%
B     -  65% to 79%
C     -  50% to 64%
D     -  50% to 0% (close premises)
2.For premises that obtain grade D, action under Section 11 (closure of un-clean premises) of the Food Act 1983 i.e. immedicate closure of premises not exceeding 14 days.  

3.Failure to complay to these orders, will be imposed prison not exceeding 5 years or fine.

Evaluation Criteria.
1. Safety of food, food protection, control of temperature during storage process, preparation, display and serving.
2. Self-cleanliness and health of food handlers
3. Cleanliness of food equipment and washing facilities
4. Cleanliness and storage of raw food items
5. Safety of water supply and connection to pipe water supply
6. Overflow system that functions well and installation of a complete grease trap
7. Toilet and hand-washing facilities that are clean and functions well
8. Management of rubbish and kitchen waste disposal
9. Building (floor, walls, ceiling), lighting and air ventilation
10.Control of insects, rodents (rats) and pets

Common Offences
1. No grease trap or incomplete installation of grease trap
2. Dirty toilet and toilet facilities that do not function well
3. No control of flies, rats and cockroaches
4. Floor, wall and ceiling that is dirty or damaged
5. No use of apron and head cover
6. Staff are not given typhoid immunisation
7. Refrigerator that is dirty and in disarray
8. Washing dishes on the floor
9. Premises do not have food storage area
10.Rubbish bins are inadequate and not with proper lids
Grading will not be given to premises with the following offences:-
1. No grease trap installed
2. No typhoid immunisation
3. Cooking in the alley
4. Carrying out cooking and dish washing activities behind the premises.
5. No floor tiles.
6. Dispose into public drains.
7. Toilets are not repaired, upgraded and maintained.
8. Premises are dirty and building no painted